Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Powerful Message

Magdala Ramirez 10:52am Oct 31

Beautiful Ones

The day of the death, Niquiztli day, the day of the transmutator, the perfect alchemist, is here, the 13 days of the wave of Cimi is here, she has come to liberate, to awake, to teach, she have come from the realm of love.

The first door of the new world is wide open, is open for the true human beings that recognize the balance of the feminine and masculine within the self and outside the self.

It is such a powerful times!

I am just arriving home, to the place where the waters comes out from the womb, the place of the temples, the place where the sacredness of life is being awaken, the place where needed to be taken for long time in the upper world and hidden, and now is the time when needs to come forward, the temples of the union of polarities, the place where all is happening at the same time, in the perfect balance of the true human being, and the temple of the 12 +1 where it is the work of the feminine happening all the time, the place of mirrors, the place of the many worlds, the place where it is the woman that gives birth to a new reality, a new world, now is here, in the new Ark.

I have come from the ceremonies of the waters with New Zeland Grandmothers, so powerful, so beautiful, indeed, we have the same ways of the feminine, same knowledge, and the same struggle for long time to bring those teachings forward, the table is ready, the food is ready, and everyone is invited, many will come, some will not… It is the woman the one that leads the way, for she has the waters of love in the purity of the expression, it is the feminine the one that embrace the masculine, enlighten the new man, the new manifestation.

For long time, we have receive many infiltrations of the wounded father, for the old programming that does not recognize the woman as sacred, does not recognize the life givers as sacred, , and as the daughter of the Great Mother, she lift her voice, for her voice has been awaken, and her heart is blooming, knowing that she is love and through love, healing was possible, and through love a new creation is being born, a new world is awaken in the world, a world that was in silence for a very very long time.

It is the feminine, in her dance and stillness the one that is bringing together the bonding of the all tribes through love, in the perfect alignment of the human being with father mother, in the ways of the medicine of being human.

In the awakening of being human, is brining the falling of the wounded father, now is the time for the creations comes from the unity of both, male and female, and hold the new world as a way of living, create and recreate, and make this new world the ways of being human, the time of separation is falling apart. The ancestors call this world the world of the enchanted flower, the place where everything is one.

The time when human beings are ready to be-live in themselves have come, and trust yourself, and through the love as the source, where the waters comes out, a new reality is being discover, a new way to relate.

The time when the woman aspect is giving birth to a new reality, a new perception of the self, is now, she has transmuted all the cycles, and the times, and make the bundle of times that now she holds in her hands, it is the time when the waters that comes out from the womb are being recognize as holy , for indeed, human beings comes from her, comes from holiness, in the ultimate ceremony when the kingdom of heaven is on earth and the earth is on heaven.

My next journey will be to Cahokia, the sacred place of the ancestors, the place where the many tribes remember together, Star Elders Conference, in the portal of the 11;11;11 the realm where everything is one.

In Lakesh
