Thursday, August 2, 2012

"When desire for the world grows in me
and I awake in the middle of the night
at the least sound, in fear of my life
and my children's life maybe, I go and
lie down where the wood drake rests
in his beauty on the water, and the
great heron feeds.  I come into the
place of wild things who do not tax
their lives with forethought of
grief.  I come into the presence
of still water and I feel above
me the dayblind stars waiting
for their light.  For a time I rest
in the world, and I am free."

~Wendell Berry~

My wish for you this day is Peace,
Peace in the heart,
Peace in your life,
Peace in your home
and Peace as you connect
with the world around you.
Breathe Peace,
Eat Peace,
Pray for Peace,
Be Peace.

"For a time I rest in the world,
and I am free...."


Akasa WolfSong

1 comment:

  1. Peace be with you sister of my heart.
    What a beautiful poem.

    thank you
    for this reflective blessing.

    hugs and love


Thank You So Much for Sharing Your Heart!!!