Sunday, October 3, 2010

Of Humanity and the Waters of Earth


Greetings, beloveds, I AM THE DIVINE MOTHER. I speak to you as ONE with: Gaia; The Council of 12 in charge of over-lighting the Healing of the Love-body of humanity and of Earth; The Higher Council of Water Beings; Archangels: Clarity, Charity, Joy, Hope, Amethyst; the Elohim: Amorah, Victoria, Grace, Amazonia, Aloha, Lumina, Virginia; the Venusian Emissaries of Love: Venus Love-Star, Lady Oceania, Lady Aramein; Lady Laeticia; Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Nada, Ishtar, Pallas Athena, Portia, Chloe, Aktau, Venus Kumara, Angelica, The Inner Plane Ascended Masters, Archangel Metatron, Sanat Kumara, Melchizedek, the Mahatma, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Love, Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirians, Lemurians, The Angelic Host and The Light Federation of Galactic Healers.
We ask you now beloveds, to open your hearts and receive the Divine Love energies that we send forth onto each of you. Breathing slowly and deeply, intent that you allow these Love energies to open and activate all your Love Portals for a few minutes…
We wish to provide information to humanity on what constitutes the Love-Body and what the Divine Plan entails in relation to the Healing and Activation of the Love-Body of Humanity and the Waters of Earth.
Understand beloveds that the Divine Love energies emanate from the VOID, as do all creations. The VOID then could be equaled to the Heart of God/dess or the Source of All That Is. The Divine Love energies and Vital Force that emanate from Source are anchored and transferred across the Cosmos by the WATER. That is, by the Etheric Water in the etheric realm and the Physical Water in the physical realm.
Know that the Love-Body is made of Etheric Water and is the basis, the very foundation of All That Is. The Love-Body beloveds, is the interface between the Void and the Light realm. Hence, your Love-Body is the foundation of your Light-body and your Physical body.
Visualize for a moment a chakra or “Love and Light Portal”, as a series of cones or energy vortexes that irradiate from a central area in the shape of a ring at their base. This ‘ring’ is actually formed by the Water Crystals found at the base of each cone within the chakra/Love Portal. The Void is found within this ring of Water Crystals.
The Divine Love energies are transferred from the Void into the Water Crystals or Love Crystals, located at the bottom of cones in your chakras/Love Portals. These Water/Love Crystals are not solid in nature but rather are made of etheric water and, although they may have a form, their appearance is more plasma-like. Hence, the Water/Love Crystals, which lie at the bottom of the cones that form the chakras/Love Portals, have as a function to anchor and transfer the Divine Love from the Void (Source) into the chakras/Love Portals, and from the chakras/Love Portals to the cosmos via Etheric Water Pathways.
The Etheric Water Pathways are like the tubes in the optical fibers, beloveds, which have different functions in the transferal of Divine energies from Source. Through them travel the Love energies (all qualities, virtues and attributes of God/dess), the Light rays (carrying information codes) and the Sound of the Spheres, to All That Is in the cosmos. They are known according to their role as: Love-lines (transfer of Love), Lei-lines (transfer of Light and information codes) and Song-lines (transfer of Sound). These types of water pathways form different GRIDS. For example, the network of Love-lines that inter-connect all Love Crystals and all the Love Portals (or Chakras) across the Cosmos (and in your own bodies) is known as the Love-Grid. Similarly, the networks of Lei-lines form the Light-Grid and the network of Song-lines form the Sound-Grid. Know that there are other Water Pathways with different functions, which also form other types of grids.
We use the word “chakra” to facilitate your understanding, beloveds, so that you can relate to those vortices of energy in your bodies. In reality though, the chakras are Love and Light Portals or Gateways through which the Divine energies are emitted throughout the Cosmos and through which all energies travel from Source and return to Source. Thus, at cosmic level, the universes are the major Portals through which Source energies are emitted and through which the energies from all creations can travel back to Source. At Universal level, the galaxies constitute the major Portals or gateways for energies to travel from and to Source. Similarly, at Galactic level, the star systems constitute the major Portals or gateways for energies to travel from and to Source. At Solar system level, the Sun, the Moon and the planets constitute the Portals or gateways for energies to travel from and to Source.
At planetary level, the Water/Love Crystals found in the planetary Love Portals –located in the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and underground water systems- are the main points of transmission and reception of Divine Love energies from and to Source.
Understand beloveds that your bodies are a holographic image of your planet, galaxy, universe and the cosmos. You are multi-dimensional beings of Love and Light. Hence, you are fully inter-connected to All That Is through your Love-body and Light-body. It is through the Grids of Etheric Water Pathways, the chakras and the Diamond Plates that your Love-body and Light-body are inter-connected between them and with All That Is.
It is important that you understand beloveds that originally, the Divine masculine and feminine attributes of the Divine Love from Source came into your Love-body in full harmony and balance. However, from the time your Souls chose to experience the State of Separation, the masculine and feminine qualities split into two separate currents of energy in your Love-body, and the Love in these currents became distorted. Given that these energies pass through the Love-body into the Light-body, the information carried by these two currents of energy also became distorted.
To simplify your understanding beloveds, the state of separation is a distortion of the state of Oneness. Hence, the state of separation implies a distortion of the Divine Love energies in your Love-body (such as discordant feelings) and a distortion of the Divine Light energies in your Light-body (such as false beliefs and negative thought-forms). In your Love body, these distortions are anchored in the Love Crystals, in the Love-lines that interconnect these Love Crystals and, in the Love Portals in which these crystals are located. These distortions, which are known as Discordant Soul Memories, are fear-based and create energetic blockages in your Love-body. As well, these Soul Memories create energetic blockages in the other crystals, chakras, water pathways and Diamond Plates that constitute your Light-body.
As a result, your Soul cannot anchor the quotient of Divine Love or the quotient of Divine Light, which it would otherwise anchor if these blockages were not present. This is true both for your individual bodies as well as, for Humanity’s Collective Love body and Light body.
Healing the Love-body is therefore essential to the well-being (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) of humanity. Understand beloveds that the shift to a higher level of consciousness by individuals and by humanity as a collective, is dependent upon the understanding, clearing and healing of the energetic blockages in your Love-body both at individual and at collective level.
Know that the discord that your Soul has experienced since the time of separation is anchored and blthe Water/Love Crystals and the Water Pathways or Love-lines in your Love-body. This is true individually and as a collective. As a collective, beloveds, humanity has anchored much discord in the Water/Love Crystals in the Love Portals of Earth, which are located in the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.
The healing of the Love Crystals and the Love-lines in your Love-body and Earth, is essential not only for your well-being and spiritual evolution, beloveds, but also for the very survival of your species. It is clear beloveds that the waters of Earth reflect the state of your collective consciousness. Hence, the increased levels of pollution reflect the increased level of discord being anchored by humanity on Earth.
The great news, however, is that humanity has awakened to its Divine Nature with millions of Love-Light-workers around the world assisting in healing their own bodies, their spirit and Earth. Thus a great energetic shift, conducive to a shift in consciousness is now taking place for humanity and Earth.
The healing of the Love-body is to be directed on the Earth plane by our Emissaries of Love, the ‘Water Healers’ and must take place with the assistance of at least 144,000 Love-Light-workers around the Earth.
We wish to explain to you, beloveds, that the Divine Plan declares that humanity clears the discord accumulated in the Love Crystals (by re-programming the energies through LOVE and healing these crystals) in 33 major Love Portals in the Waters of Earth, as well as, clearing the Love-lines that interconnect them. Know that these 33 Planetary Love Portals correspond to 33 Galactic Portals (or Star-gates) through which the Divine Love energies travel to and from Earth. They also correspond to 33 Love Portals in your body.
Of these 33 Portals, there are 13 Major Love Portals that form the Central Pillar of Love in your Love-body and that of Earth. These are related to the 13 Major Chakras in your Central Column of Light. There are also 13 other important Love Portals where the major distortions of the masculine and feminine energies have been anchored and that require priority clearing. Then there are the remaining 7 major Love Portals to be cleared and healed.
The clearing and healing of these Love Portals and the Love Crystals in them, has been prioritized according to their importance in anchoring the Divine Love energies from Source. The Divine Plan declares that these Love Portals be cleared and healed by humanity as a collective and that, the distortions be re-programmed to their original Divine Love state.
As we mentioned before, the Divine Plan for Healing the Love-body has started and some of the Water/Love Crystals and Love Portals have already been healed and activated. This has taken place through the participation of thousands of Love-light-workers in Global meditations and through the self-clearing of discord and activations undertaken by the ‘Water Healers’. In addition, the Major Love-Grids (i.e. the networks of Love-lines) have recently been anchored on Earth at three levels - at Surface, Underground and Middle-Earth Levels - and await the input of love-light-workers to activate them. This will be the focus of today’s meditation, beloveds.
Before we commence this activation let us state where exactly are the 33 Love Crystals and Love Portals located on Earth.
Understand beloveds that the Love Portals in the waters of Earth (or Planetary Love Portals) correspond to the Love Portals (or Chakras) in the individual and collective Love-body of humanity. Know that your organs and glands are also Love Portals that contain Love Crystals.
The “Central Pillar of Love” Portals:
The Love Portals that constitute the Central Pillar of Love of Earth’s Love-body are equivalent to those in the 13 Major Love Portals of humanity’s individual and collective Love-body. We remind you that the Love Crystals carrying the distortions of the Divine Love (i.e. discord) are located within these Love Portals. Know that a Love Portal may have several Water/Love Crystals and that in most cases it is only necessary to clear and activate one crystal to ensure the activation of the whole Portal.
Soul Star Chakra * <#_ftn1> - corresponds to the Arctic Ocean Love Portal. It was activated from Pemberton, Canada in 2003.
Crown Chakra - corresponds to the Love Portal of Tierra del Fuego (off Cape Horn, South America -where the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans meet the Antarctic waters).
Brow Chakra* - corresponds to the Great Lakes Love Portal (in Lake Ontario). It was activated from Montreal, Canada in 2002.
Throat Chakra - corresponds to the Caribbean Sea Love Portal (off the Island of Cuba). The Light Crystal was activated from Roatan Is.,Honduras, in 2000. The Love Crystal needs to be cleared and the Portal activated.
Thymus Chakra* - corresponds to the South Atlantic Ocean (off the Island of Trinidade, Brazil). It was activated from Macapa, Brazil, in 2003.
Heart Chakra – corresponds to the Central Pacific Ocean Love Portal (the largest of all Portals, it is delimited on the south by the Love Crystal off the Island of Moorea, in French Polynesia, on the west by the Love Crystal off the Fiji Islands, on the east by the Love Crystal off the Marquesas Is. and on the north by the Love Crystal off the Island of Maui, in Hawaii).
Solar Plexus Chakra* - corresponds to the Mediterranean Sea Love Portal (off the Island of Malta). It was activated fromMontsegur, France, in 2003.
Sacral Chakra* - corresponds to the South Indian Ocean Love Portal (off Reunion Is., near Madagascar). It was activated from Reunion Island, French territory, in 2003.
Root Chakra - corresponds to Lake Titicaca Love Portal (off the Island of the Sun, Peru/Bolivia).
Knees Chakra - corresponds to the Red Sea Love Portal (off Al Ghurdaqah, Egypt).
Ankles Chakra[1] <#_ftn2> corresponds to the North Atlantic Ocean Love Portal (off Iceland).
Feet Chakra - corresponds to the Cape of Good Hope Love Portal (off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa; at the junction of the Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean and Indian Ocean Waters).
Earth Star Chakra –corresponds to the Southern Ocean / Antarctic Love Portal.
The 13 Love Portals with Major Masculine And Feminine Distortions:
14. Pineal Gland Love Portal* - corresponds to the Amazon River Love Portal (Brazil). It was activated athe estuary in Macapa, Brazil, in 2003.15. Medullar Love Portal* - corresponds to the Iguaçu River/Falls Love Portal (Brazil/Argentina). It was activated at the Iguaçu Falls, Brazil and Argentina sides, in 2003.
16. Hypothalamus Love Portal - corresponds to the Sea of Japan Love Portal (Japan/Korea).
17. Pituitary Gland Love Portal - corresponds to the Lake Puelo Love Portal (Chubut region, south Argentina).
18. Amygdala Love Portal - corresponds to the Ganges River & Brahmaputra River Love Portal (off the Delta, in India/Bangladesh). The amygdala is found in the Temporal lobe of the brain and forms part of the Limbic system. It is here where the fears are lodged and is known as the “Fear Center”.
19. Thyroid Love Portal - corresponds to the Indus River / Arabian Sea Love Portal (Pakistan).
20. Breast Love Portal* - corresponds to the Hudson River / Northwest Atlantic Ocean Love Portal (USA). It was activated at the estuary from New York, in 2003.
21. Liver Love Portal - corresponds to the Mekong River / South China Sea Love Portal (Vietnam/Cambodia).
22. Pancreas Love Portal - corresponds to Lake Victoria Love Portal (between Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania).
23. Adrenal Glands Love Portal - corresponds to the Timor Sea / Java Sea Love Portal (Bali/Java).
24. Kidneys Love Portal - corresponds to the Coral Sea / Great Barrier Reef Love Portal (Australia).
25. Ovaries/Testicles Love Portal - corresponds to the Niger River / East Atlantic Ocean Love Portal (Nigeria)
26. Womb Love Portal - corresponds to the Lake Taupo / Tasman Sea* Love Portal (New Zealand). It was activated at Lake Taupo, New Zealand, in 2004.)
Other Major Love Portals: 27. Eyes Love Portal - corresponds to the Baltic Sea Love Portal (Finland/Sweden/Estonia).
28. Ears Love Portal - corresponds to the Bering Sea Love Portal (Alaska).
29. Parathyroid Glands Love Portal - corresponds to the Northeast Atlantic Ocean Love Portal (off Vancouver Island, Canada).
30. Lungs Love Portal - corresponds to Lake Baikal Love Portal (Russia).
31. Stomach Love Portal - corresponds to the Black Sea / Azov Sea Love Portal (off Turkey/Russia/Ukraine).
32. Spleen Love Portal - corresponds to the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea Love Portal (Russia / Iran / Azerbaijan / Kazakhstan).
33. Intestines Love Portal - corresponds to the Yangtze (Chang) River / East China Sea Love Portal (China).
You may notice the fact that the Love Portals that correspond to the chakras, organs and glands in your bodies do not follow the same order as the Love Portals of earth. See for example beloveds that, the Love Portal located in Tierra del Fuego (at the southern tip of South America) corresponds to the Crown Love Portal, yet…it is relatively close to the Earth Star Love Portal, which corresponds to the Love Portal in the Southern Ocean/Antartica. Understand that the Earth is multi-dimensional in nature and it is not helpful to see the locations with a linear mind. Know that as your planet travels around the sun throughout a year, it receives the Divine energies from Source through different hemispheres. Hence, it sometimes receives the Divine energies through the Arctic Ocean Love Portal and at other times through the Antarctic/Southern Ocean Love Portal. This takes place during the equinoxes and solstices, beloveds.
It is important that you realize that the Divine energies do not enter your body only through your feet or crown, beloveds, but through all the chakras. The same happens for your planet. In fact beloveds, the Divine Love energies sometimes enter through the Arctic Love Portal (which corresponds to the Soul Star), spiral down clockwise around the northern hemisphere, then change direction at the equatorial level and spiral out through the Antarctica Love Portal (which corresponds to the Earth Star). Then again sometimes, the Divine Love energies enter through the Antarctica Love Portal, spiral up anti-clockwise around the southern hemisphere, then change direction at the equatorial level and spiral out through the Arctic Love Portal. Thus, the flow of Divine Love and Light energies from Source follows the same pattern and direction of Earth’s oceanic currents, with all the Water Crystals being charged as it flows past. This is why the planetary portals do not follow the same order than those in your bodies.
The dates and locations for the clearing and activation of the Water/Love Crystals in the Love Portals for the next four years will progressively be offered to humanity, through our beloved Emissary Chaski Amariel (Dr. Lilliana Corredor). We ask the love-light-workers that reside near the area of the activation locations, or who have a resonance to a specific site, to please assist the Divine Plan by joining our Emissaries for 3-days of guided meditations and clearing of each Portal prior to the activation. In this way you will anchor the Divine Love energies in the physical plane for the benefit of All. We ask all others to please join us in meditation individually or preferably in groups at the appointed times.
Know beloveds that the clearing and activation of the Love Crystals and Love Portals of Earth and your Love-body, will result in a very noticeable shift in your own and the collective consciousness of humanity.
We thank you beloveds for your attention, patience and commitment to implementing the Divine Plan on Earth. We will now proceed to anchor the new Strands of DNA charged with Love Codes and to activate the Love Grids of Earth.[2] <#_ftn3>
For more information on this World Program please visit our recently updated website: and
This message is copyright of Dr. Lilliana Corredor © March 2004. Dr. Corredor is one of 12 Emissaries of the ASCEND Foundation. You have ASCEND’s permission to network this message provided that this credit line and contact appear, and no modification be done to it.


  1. Pilamaya for posting this much needed information Grandmother WhiteDeer!

    I will repost it on my blog too.

    Sending Love and Many Blessings on Gentle Winds to You today!


  2. AHO.....please e-mail me.....
    Grandmother Whitedeer


Thank You So Much for Sharing Your Heart!!!