Monday, October 11, 2010

From Grandmother Judith K. Moore/Records of Creations

This message relates to the Sixth Cosmic Wave. This version was released to the public.

Judith and Randy in Chimayo and Sean at the sanctuary 6:30 am PST
J. This transmission is from the Heart of the Oneness.
The field of receptivity, a collective group of visionaries on the planet has altered now the capacity for love. The resolution on the limits or conditions on loving, the unconditional nature of the capactiy for the visionaries to love beyond without borders and boundaries, has opened the plane of consciousness for the human experience. This is the field of consciousness that permeates centers of thought forms that were closed systems. Those centers of thought form that were closed systems are opening to the receptive, to the infinite power of One, the power of infinite, regenerating harmonics.
Through the Age of Reason, science created mind form based on predictable outcomes and religion created a mind form based on control of the masses with guilt and fear. These agents were competing for the space of human consciousness, to dominate the permissible forms that consciousness can take. The power of the Harmony of One, the power of the Light of Creation, has opened these closed systems. Through chaos, everything in the existing structures of human civilization is questioned by someone. Those existing systems can no longer exist as power structures in the collective, their unquestioned authority. Because for every system that controls human consciousness in an unquestioned form of consciousness, there is an opening by the minds of those who are capable now of questioning that authority and the motives of that authority, from the heart of compassion.
If you were to contemplate the power of the mind when it is generating thought forms from the heart, you could easily understand that this is the most powerful force of change for the Earth and for humanity.
The 6th Cosmic Wave enhances this phenomenon. Enhances the capacity for human consciousness to align with the purpose of Creation and the force of love and for the effective nature of heart centered thought consciousness to penetrate impenetrable fields with a loving expression of a vision from the higher source of human consciousness, a vision of wholeness and compassion.
The 6th Cosmic Wave is the power of that thought form that is universal balance. The 6th Cosmic Wave permeates all existing energy systems, penetrates into the core energetics of human existence and fuels the cosnciousness that reforms systems. Because it is a powerful force of Creation and by its infinite nature, by its power, it seeks the light within light systems, finding within any system that is closed and dark and shut out from compassion, finding even the tiniest thought of love, the tiniest form and expression of light. And it seeks that form, expanding from the inner planes, the capacity for the human experience to be altered. Because that which is not in balance with universal law must now yield to the power of the 6th Cosmic Wave. Those infra structures that resist transformation, desire to maintain old paradigms, control, and stay in a closed system, will be experiencing change from within, an implosion of light, that rocks the archetypal sytems from within. The power of the 6th Cosmic Wave is the power of quantum essence from the inner planes of consciousness because it does seek out any particle form that is of the light of Creation and in balance with the universal law and the Harmony of One and from the inner planes expands on that consciousness, allowing the light to resonate from the inner realms of any closed system that resists the illumination of grace that has come in upon this Earth.
Initially as the 6th Cosmic Wave peaks, there will be an appearance of greater chaos in those systems. And it is simply because the function of the infra structures of those systems failed to succeed at ultimate power.
This is not a Renaissance. It is a reformation of the potential for the human experience from the inner planes. And the visionaries from the 5th World of Peace are the vessels of light to allow or co create with, cooperate with the 6th Cosmic Wave. Because many of you have resolved your own blockages that would block you from grace and block you from peace. And because you have done the work to resolve your own blockages of fear, resentment, jealousy and greed. The light flows thorugh you in a truly generous way and you are a collective experience. You are a quantum field.
This group of visionaries exist in every culture, in every nationality, in every part of this Earth. It is not just those who seek each other out to communicate about a new experience. Yes, many of you are leaders and teachers and healers. But the work is being done from the masses, from the inner plane of the masses, as teachers and healers awaken within all communities and all civilizations, all ideologies. Every time one teacher applies the principles of the new paradigm of Oneness within closed infra structures, the 6th Cosmic Wave seeks out that vibration, a means of expanding from within closed systems.
The 6th Cosmic Wave may be understood in the power of lightning. Because once it finds that source of illumination, it sends out electro magnetic thought forms that are more powerful than imaginable, thought forms that penetrate these closed infra structures.
You who receive this transmission may ask the question, How may I participate? You may participate by being aware of the people within government, people within religion, people within other societies, societies where the evidence of cruelty, places where the evidence of cruelty is so obvious. You may be in the light form of consciousness, with the soul light of those who illuminate the consciousness of One from within those infra structures. You may assist by disciplining your own mind in the form of allowing any barrier between you and another human being to desolve. Allow yourself to not to think in the form of enemies or people who are hopelessly different than you. Because that form of judgement such as thinking the government is corrupt, limits your ability to realize that within those systems lies the greatest hope.
Those of you who treasure peace may not realize that the peace keepers who will change the nature of war are in the military. They are your allies. They are not separate from you. Those of you who are aware of the economic impact on the world may now be aware that those who will change the economics of this world are awakening within the banking systems. Do not resent them. Do not resent them for they are light beings who have come inside those systems to be the vessels of light for the 6th Cosmic Wave.
When you give this concept an opportunity to shift your own perception, then you know that everywhere on this planet are allies of the light and there are no enemies. Soften your own judgement. Because you have found a way of raising your own consciousness, do not allow yourself to develop an elitist attitude. But be aware within those infrastructures that seem the most dark and the most impenetrable is the light that illuminates transformation and like minded souls exist everywhere.
The power of the 6th Cosmic Wave is to allow that vibration to flow through your heart enhancing the opportunity for transformation of consciousness through the mind/heart of the human experience. When you see that light to begin to illuminate, be the one to cheer it on. To celebrate it and to focus on the strength and courage it takes within a person who has lived in a closed system to step forward and speak of ideals and ideologies that will transform the nature of that social structure. This is the foundation of social reform and the purpose of this transmission is to open the awareness of those who seek the light and love peace. That they may experience an enhanced capacity for co-CHCL operation with the 6th Cosmic Wave.
Whenever you see the extremes that will be in the chaos factor, whenever you see the extremes of illogical behavior, know that that comes to make those systems visible to others. Those who have not questioned the authority of those closed systems, will see these chaotic, illogical behaviors and it will alter the nature of perceptuaL reality.
Above all, above all, focus beyond the appearance of devastation, the appearance of collapse, the appearance of hopelessness. Focus beyond that. Allow your heart to open as a visionary and expand your own consciousness to a new potential because that which seemed impenetrable is now penetrable. That which seemed impossible is now possible. Take the time to observe this working in your world. Because each time you receive that kind of validation, it strengthens the system. Each time a person who seemed hopeless rises up like a phoenix from their own agony, that strengthens the system for all of humanity.
This is a reformation, the reform of human consciousness, not from political, religious infra structures, but from the heart and the soul of the light of the human experience.
This is the GIFT. And it is the opportunity for co creation with the miracle of the emerging Creation, a civilization of light and compassion.
Blessed be. So be it and so it is.

1 comment:

Thank You So Much for Sharing Your Heart!!!